Top 10 Dangers and Health Risks of 5G Radiation
Fast and reliable internet connection is just part of modern life, but health risks may come with such innovations. People want to access things in a matter of seconds, but that requires a type of technology that can be dangerous to your health. Are we trading the convenience of a fast connection for potential health problems?
Although government agencies deny it, many health experts believe that 5G is dangerous to our health based on studies about the effects of wireless technology on the human body. The findings have raised questions about the potential health risks these technologies pose to society.
Before we can take a look at this, it important to understand exactly what we are talking about. It all begins with understanding EMFs and their relationship to the 5G technology, and how this invisible field created by electronic devices is absorbed by the human body. The key here is to understand how the technology can affect DNA, cells, the nervous system, and other things in your body.
Is 5G Dangerous?
5G is dangerous to your health, especially the way it is being widely distributed worldwide. Wireless technology has been considered by some healthcare professionals as a source for ailments such as infertility, cancer, mental health disorders, etc.
People should demand that lawmakers do something about the current regulations of 5G antennas since they are being installed near our homes in every city on the planet. Yes, probably in or around your own neighborhood. However, so far, there's nothing being done to control the current widespread use of the technology.
This may sound alarmist, but this is a global problem, ignored by everyone, especially government agencies and lawmakers. 5G does bring health risks with it due to the EMF that is generated.
The Difference Between 5G and 4G as Health Threats
5G, which stands for the fifth generation, uses a higher frequency than all the previous technologies like 4G and 3G, making it potentially more harmful to your health than 4G.
Anything that uses electricity generates an electromagnetic field (microwaves, computers, smartphones) and can be a health threat because the skin absorbs some of the energy when exposed to it. In the case of 5G, the frequency is high, and the exposure is uninterrupted.
Now, being exposed to it for a few minutes to a few hours wouldn't be a problem since we've been using computers, cars, medical equipment for a long time without noticeable problems, but with 5G, you're being exposed to it 24/7, and that's exactly when we get into health risks territory.
Being exposed to an EMF for long periods uninterruptedly can cause problems that we'll only have confirmation that the cause is 5G when it's too late for many. That is why it should be noted that 5G shouldn't be banned completely, but instead, controlled by government agencies.
What Health Experts Say About 5G
As with anything new, the 5G health risks discussion doesn't have a consensus in the health professional's community, but some studies indicate the harm that it causes to our health such as cancer, suppressed immune system, and hormonal deregulation.
A study published by Nature Magazine confirmed that phones use frequencies of 1.8ghz to 2.2 GHz. This alone is enough to cause tissue heating, which has more impact on older people due to skin thickness and blood flow. Now, when it comes to 5G, the frequency used is 3.5ghz or higher.
This should be enough evidence to, at least, get lawmakers to question further the widespread use of 5G around the world since it could have catastrophic results in the future. Here are the top 10 dangers and health risks of 5G radiation:
1 - Tissue Heating
The largest and most reliable study into the effects of EMF on the human body is about tissue heating. The study proved that the EMF generated by phones was enough to cause tissue heating, which is the rise of body and brain temperatures, in humans. Elder people were more affected due to their skin being thinner and their blood flow being lower than young people.
Although the study concluded that this effect lasted around 90 minutes after using a cellphone, it didn't take into consideration that we spend nearly every hour of the day with our phones, and we are now exposed to higher frequencies all the time due to 5G signal towers. That's why tissue heating is indeed not only a potential problem but a real one.
Looking for potential symptoms of tissue heating can be complicated since they're common symptoms. Still, if you notice your body's temperature rising after using the phone for hours, the best thing to do is to stay away from it for a few hours to get your body's temperature back to normal.
2 - Increasing Levels of Oxidative Stress
Another danger posed by the constant exposure to 5G generated EMF is the increase of the levels of your Oxidative Stress. To put it in simple terms, Oxidative Stress is what leads to brain deterioration, which is caused by the accumulation of free radicals in your body's system. When someone is exposed to high-frequency electromagnetic fields, their body can absorb enough to cause intoxication over time.
The research in oxidative stress is fairly new, and no one knows the long-term effects that it has on the body, except for the link to dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and loss of cognitive functions. To paint a better picture, smoking is another cause of oxidative stress that can lead to brain deterioration. Again, the best form to avoid oxidative stress is to eliminate the causes, which in this case would be to ban 5G entirely or the 5G towers from being placed too close to residential areas, which is not the case right now.
What you can do about it, in case you're wondering, it's to demand lawmakers to create legislation that does a better job at regulating the spread of this technology. Until there are further studies into the long-term effect of such technology, there shouldn't be a gamble on people's future like this.
3 - Cognitive Function
Cognitive brain function is everything that is related to mental processes such as memory, language, perception, etc. It's pretty much everything related to your consciousness - the part of your brain that makes you the person you are. That's why cognitive brain function is the most important process that happens in your brain, and you should take every measure you can to protect it. Now, when it comes to the dangers 5G may impose on your cognition, this can happen because the long-term exposure to high frequencies may lead to absorption by your brain, which with time would be affected by it.
The research into 5G and cognitive function doesn't exist yet, but there is research into the effects of EMF and cognitive brain function. What the studies concluded is that the exposure to EMF of certain frequencies, which were lower than the one used by 5G networks, do affect your attention. Although the levels would go back to normal after a while, with 5G, the exposure doesn't cease.
For instance, a study done on mice found that their attention would only go back to normal after 90 minutes of being exposed to EMF for a few hours. Imagine that you spend 8 hours daily looking into your phone. This would decrease your attention so much that you would only go back to normal the next day, assuming that you don't use your phone for a while.
4 - DNA Damage
Since 5G is a new technology, there haven't been enough studies to know all of the effects on the human body. Most of the studies that you can have access to were researching EMF, which is what the 5G technology generates. In this case, EMFs have been linked to the potential cause of DNA damage, which happens when parts of your cells start using weaker proteins to duplicate DNA. In other words, your body produces poorer quality cells, which leads to worse aging, health problems, and slower regeneration. Every time your body produces a new cell, which happens all the time, it needs a DNA sequence to create the right thing it needs, and that's why having anything causing DNA damage can be quite serious.
5 - Heart and Brain Tumors
The reason something like 5G could potentially be the cause of cancer and brain tumors in the future is the same as the one that would cause DNA damage. When your body starts to produce poor quality cells, you get a high chance of developing cancer. If the high-frequency EMF would be absorbed by your body you could end up developing tumors and cancer.
It's important to point out that there are no studies that completely prove this, but it'd also be impossible to have a study that would require a few decades researching technology that is fairly new.
Again, the important thing isn't to ban 5G forever but to have it studied enough so that if we eventually use it, we know for sure that we're protected. Many argue that we are exposed to high-frequency EMFs such as the ones used for medical procedures, which is true, but the difference is that we aren't exposed to them 24/7.
6 - Infertility
5G could, in theory, cause infertility since electromagnetic fields have been linked with causing it. The process would work similarly to the other dangers above. The body would absorb the EMF frequency and that would cause your reproductive cells to regenerate in worse quality. This could lead to either lower fertility or even complete infertility.
The studies that are specific about the 5G technology were done in mice and rats, and they concluded that they can damage their DNA. This finding is so complex because it can, in theory, cause dozens of different, unrelated problems to your health and one of those would be infertility. Although no doctor will tell you that 5G causes any of those problems, the potential link is enough to create concerns and questions about why government agencies aren't considering those things.
7 - Headaches and Migraines
Although headaches and migraines would be the least of your problems when you're considering cancer, infertility, and many others, they're also potentially linked to EMF frequencies. Since EMFs aren't visible to our eyes, we tend to forget that those things are still there, and they can affect our bodies. In the case of high frequencies, they can lead to mild headaches to serious migraines. Studies have shown that being exposed to an EMF for as little as 10 minutes could be enough to cause headaches and the chances of it causing migraines would increase according to how long the individual would be exposed to it.
8 - Unbalanced Hormone Levels
EMFs can affect your nervous system by causing it to collapse and release too much cortisol. This is the stress hormone that shuts down your immune system when it reaches high levels in your system. When your cortisol levels are high, your nervous system breaks down, and your hormone levels get all over the place. To be clear, this could mean the appearance of autoimmune diseases, aging, bad sleep, and any other problem that could be caused by unbalanced hormones.
Since the human body is one of the most complex systems that exist, pretty much anything that happens in your body is affected and depends on hormones. Their imbalance is a serious thing that would require long-term treatment to make sure everything is okay. Considering how much healthcare is expensive, playing with those things without full knowledge of their consequences re-affirm the importance of being aware of the health risks of 5G.
9 - It Affects Your Metabolism
EMF frequencies can affect your metabolism, which can start a chain reaction of chemicals in your body that could cause weight loss or gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and increased blood pressure.
10 - Damage to Your Blood-Brain Barrier
Your brain has a thin membrane called the blood-brain barrier that protects your brain from outside substances. BBB is a defense mechanism against microorganisms and free radicals that would otherwise affect your brain's functions. Although hard evidence of EMF affecting your blood-brain barrier does not exist yet, the evidence is that wireless connections that create a powerful enough EMF can, in theory, affect your BBB by thinning it.
Can 5G Affect the Overall Well-being of Your Body?
The answer is yes. 5G can affect the overall health of your body since there's enough evidence to support the possibility of various health problems that could come from long-term, continuous exposure to it. The truth is that your body is a complex system that is interconnected, which means that the malfunction of one part does affect the other, and in the case of EMF, it could cause one health problem that creates another.
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
There are a few things that people can do to protect themselves from EMF, but that would require you to have minimal contact with modern life. The best way to stay protected while living life in modern society is to work with your local government to find a way to limit 5G towers near residential areas and incentivize studies that research the effects of 5G.
Some products promise to protect you from EMFs, but the truth is that we're constantly exposed to wireless connections whether or not we like it, and that's why the best alternative is trying to solve this as a collective rather than as individuals.
How Serious Can It Be for Your Health?
5G can, in theory, cause diseases and health problems that could go from mild issues to serious ones, and this is why more studies should be demanded before the technology continues to be used the way it is right now.
As you've read in this article, some studies link EMF exposure to serious health problems such as cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, etc.
The evidence points to EMF as a problem, and we already know that 5G creates high-frequency EMFs. This should be enough for 5G to be used with caution.
Can I Live Free of 5G?
There are 5G-free communities that you may research and consider relocation to there. Those communities prohibited 5G towers near their homes, and a few of them use technology that limits EMF from getting into their residential area. If you can move into one of those communities, you will be able to live 5G-free, but that is not the best solution to this problem.
The best thing would be for local governments to limit 5G towers from being too close to residential areas. It is important to point out that EMFs are not permanently dangerous if the exposure isn't constant. You can still access your phone, search the internet, and even shop online or get a prescription at QuickRxRefill.
Still, if you want to live 5G-free, your best options are to look for 5G-free communities or to press lawmakers to create rules for the use of this technology. Living free of 5G will be next to impossible in the years to come, and that's why the best option for our society is to limit the towers until we know more than it is to try and live completely free of it.

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