5 Surefire Signs That You Are Living With Dangerously High Blood Pressure
One of the most common medical issues around the world, the reality of the situation is that millions and millions of people are currently living with high blood pressure – and may not even know it.
Easily one of the more serious “invisible” (Called The "Silent Killer"medical conditions) that have no real obvious signs or symptoms that there is an underlying issue, high blood pressure is a dangerous – and even potentially deadly – medical condition that needs to be taken care of just as soon as humanly possible.
Luckily, there are a number of truly affective high blood pressure tests, checkups, and other procedures you can move through to discover whether or not you have high blood pressure – as well as a number of highly recommended treatments and cures that you can begin using to lower your high blood pressure dramatically almost in an instant.
What exactly is high blood pressure anyways?
Before we dive into the specific signs and symptoms you should be looking for, it’s critical that you fully understand the reasoning behind why it’s so critical to search for high blood pressure in the first place.
We all understand that our hearts are responsible for keeping us alive on a regular basis, pumping blood all throughout the body on a consistent and regular basis. The blood carries nutrients and fuel to all of our major bodily components and systems, making sure that everything is regular and running just as it should.
However, high blood pressure is the result of higher and higher forces necessary to push blood through our arteries and veins – forcing the cardiovascular system to work overtime, adding up extra wear and tear that is unnecessary and could have a disastrous impact.
Another reason why high blood pressure is so dangerous and deadly is that most people – because the symptoms aren’t right in their face on a regular basis – don’t use the prescription that they’ve been provided. I know it sounds a little bit crazy on the surface, but study suggests that nearly 85% of people who have received prescriptions for high blood pressure medicine are noncompliant with the specifics of using their medicines.
If you’re concerned as to whether or not you are living with high blood pressure at this very moment, here are five specific symptoms you’ll want to look for.
Headaches that seem to come out of nowhere and stay for long periods of time.
One of the surefire signs that you are dealing with serious high blood pressure is if you get headaches out of nowhere (for no real reason whatsoever) that continue to increase in intensity over a long period of time. While these issues could be signs of other medical conditions, most people who have high blood pressure report headaches that building intensity before their diagnosis.
Extreme Fatigue and Sleepiness
If you’ve also found that you are getting your eight hours of sleep (as recommended) but still feel tired throughout the day, you may be dealing with some very real high blood pressure issues. This is because the blood is unable to shuttle all the necessary nutrients and fuel to your bodily systems in an efficient manner, which will cause you to slow down and feel sluggish even though you’re getting the requisite sleep
Confusion, cloudy thinking, and forgetfulness
Again, these specific symptoms may or may not point directly to high blood pressure in itself – or some other underlying medical condition – but if you feel as though you’re unable to think as clearly as you used to be, you may be dealing with a high blood pressure situation. Doctors have been talking about the cognitive impact high blood pressure has for years and years now, and it may be something that you want to further investigate just as soon as humanly possible.
Extreme Sweating and Blurred Vision
If you’re not exert yourself physically about are still profusely sweating, or you have blurred vision at any point in time, not only are you a high candidate for high blood pressure – but you also need to receive medical intervention just as soon as humanly possible. Don’t waste time trying to find answers from doctors if you are living with the symptoms, go out and seek high level and professional medical assistance just as soon as you can.
Bleeding from the Nose
Randomized bleeding from the nose is a surefire sign that you have high blood pressure, and it may have gotten too dangerous and even potentially deadly levels if it is not leaking out of your nasal passages. Obviously, this is a time to seek real medical assistance – without any delay whatsoever. Do not delay if you find that you are getting nosebleeds seemingly out of nowhere, there is something very wrong and you need assistance ASAP.
Effective Treatments for High Blood Pressure
If you do discover that you are living with a number of the symptoms outlined above (or any other symptoms closely linked to high blood pressure), understand that there are a number of effective treatment plans and tools available. Most of them are high level medicine solutions and drugs, and there are usually prescriptions available to tap into those products without breaking the bank. Diet and exercise is also an effective way to treat high blood pressure, but regardless of what you decide to do you’ll always want to speak with your trusted medical professional before moving forward.
No one is immune to this specific condition
What might be the most interesting part of this specific study is the fact that the international team of researchers have found that there is no real difference between wealthy groups of people, developed nations, and low income groups of people and poor nations when it comes to understanding whether or not they’re dealing with high blood pressure.
People from high income families or positions as well as those from low income families or positions were just as likely to be clueless about their high blood pressure as anyone else – and there was little to no difference whatsoever between those living in high net worth nations and those in the developing world. Studying over 154,000 people (ages running from 35 to 70), the research was conducted over a decade long span and the numbers have just now finally been tabulated.
Blood pressure is a much bigger problem than most had assumed
The thing that is most astounding about the report issued by these doctors online is the fact that high blood pressure is a much larger problem than ever before assumed. Sure, doctors and medical professionals have long understood that high blood pressure contributes to some very serious and very real medical concerns, but they never assumed that it was as widespread of a condition as it is today.
There are a number of different reasons that high blood pressure has continued to spike across almost all aspects of the global community – with much of the focus being on the fact that technology has allowed us to lead more and more sedentary lives and our eating habits continue to get poorer and poorer on a regular basis
Pointing out the fact that only 46.5% of the people living with high blood pressure were actually aware of the issue (and only 32.5% of those patients actually using high blood pressure solutions to maintain lower blood pressures), the danger is very real and pressing and an issue that needs to be taking care of just as soon as humanly possible.
Early detection and intervention is the key to moving forward
Those same doctors that publish the report are claiming that the most important thing anyone can do to eliminate instances of high blood pressure (at least as much as humanly possible) is to have early detection services available and early interventions provided right off the bat.
Whether this is through medical intervention and prescription drugs, changes and shifts in diet and eating, or any combination of the two is still yet to be determined, but it’s critical that we do everything we can to make sure that we nip this in the bud.
Treat your hypertension naturally
If you’re serious about taking care of your high blood pressure right this very minute – literally this instant – then you’re going to love the information provided right here.
Even before you get to see a trained medical professional to determine whether or not you’re living with high blood pressure, it’s best to air on the side of caution and take these steps to eliminate your hypertension 100% naturally, 100% safely, and 100% effectively.
You’ll be able to calm a tremendous amount of information from doctors about doing exactly that, but where also going to provide you with a handful of tactics right now.
The first thing that you’re going to want to do to control your high blood pressure (and lower it dramatically) is to lose weight. Whether you do this through regular exercise and activity (30 to 60 minutes of exercise five or six days a week will do it) or by completely changing your diet – checking out carbs and other high sodium foods will go a long way in this effort – is entirely up to you, but it’s critical that you begin doing it right now.
The human body is only supposed to have somewhere around 2300 mg of salt a day (a small teaspoon will do it), and the odds are fantastic that you’re having much more than this in your daily diet right now. Eliminating much of that salt can drop your blood pressure as much as eight points almost overnight – something you’re going to want to do as quickly as possible.
You’ll also want to look into taking advantage of better lifestyle habits, eliminating smoking, getting more rest and sleep, and cutting out as much alcohol as possible. Stress plays a large role in your blood pressure as well, and taking 15 or 20 minutes a week to simply sit down and meditate will go a long way towards dropping your blood pressure in a hurry.
Blood pressure is nothing to full around with – so make sure that you’re taking the necessary steps to reduce and eliminate your high blood pressure just as soon as humanly possible.
One of the most effective ways to control high blood pressure is to lose the extra pounds you’ve been carrying around
Excess weight and high blood pressure go hand in hand, mostly because of the overall toll and impact that being heavy has on the human body. High blood pressure after all is the result of your heart needing to pump harder and harder to push blood through all of your arteries and veins, and when you’re heavier there’s excess external pressure on each and every one of those critical components.
This means that your body needs to work double overtime just to get blood aware it needs to go, causing excess wear and tear on your critical cardiovascular components along the way. Losing that excess weight relieves much of that pressure, and can drop your high blood pressure dramatically.
Men that have waist measurements of greater than 40 inches and women with a waist measurements of greater than 35 inches need to take the necessary steps to reduce their overall weight just as soon as humanly possible.
Another effective tool and lowering your high blood pressure is to exercise regularly
Doctors will tell you that regular physical activity – anywhere between 30 minutes and 60 minutes each and every day of the week – can have an almost unbelievable impact on lowering your high blood pressure.
Most of us are leading a rather sedentary lifestyle, and it’s not exactly the kind of lifestyle that we evolved and adapted to lead. No, our ancient ancestors were almost always on the move – hunting, foraging, and looking out for prey around every corner. Sitting in an office chair for hours and hours on end only to then sit in a vehicle for another long period of time and then park it on the couch can make it seemingly impossible to get up and move the way that we should, but just 30 minutes a day should be easily accomplished by anyone.
That being said, the last thing that you’re going to want to do is become a true to life “weekend warrior” – someone that tries to pigeonhole all of their exercise into the weekends (or any small set of consecutive days) while resting up for the rest. This will put an insane amount of pressure on your already over pressurized body, and can cause some very disastrous effects moving forward.
Eat healthy and you’ll watch your high blood pressure plummet
A key fixture to regaining control over your short and long term health, healthy eating habits have the power to transform your high the pressure to normal and very safe levels in dramatically short timetable.
Obviously, you’ll need to work out with your trusted medical professional exactly which types of changes to your everyday diet are necessary – simply because there are so many different options and advice out there on the market today. It seems as though everyone and their brother has a different tip, trick, or tactic to reduce your high blood pressure through your diet, many of the may not work as effectively as you’d been led to believe.
Finally, look into other sources of intervention
A number of doctors have been pouring a tremendous amount of research on to the web in regards to prescription solutions and other chemical formulations that have been proven to be effective and safe when treat high blood pressure.
Obviously, the last thing that you’re going to want to do is tap into any of these solutions without the recommendation of your trusted medical professional – but they may provide the kind of high-powered intervention you’ve been looking for.
In very rare cases you may need to seek out a surgical intervention, but again your trusted medical professional will be able to walk you through all of the specifics in regards to that situation.
For the most part, just following the advice provided above – as well as your good common sense – should be enough to bring your high blood pressure back into optimal levels, preventing a catastrophic and life-changing medical issue. Early detection really is the “King of the Ring” when it comes to taking care of high blood pressure, so do not skimp on getting a full battery of tests if you feel as though you may be dealing with a high blood pressure situation.
These tests have been known to save lives on a regular basis, and the next one that is saved just may be your own. Click on our high blood pressure services page to learn more.
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