How to Safely Purchase Erectile Dysfunction Medication Cheap!
Erectile dysfunction is a very real problem for men around the world. While the disorder is considered common, affecting approximately 40% of men aged 40 to 70 and 70% of men after this, it’s still a taboo subject for many males. It calls into account the concept of masculinity, virility, and sexuality. However, it’s important to note that ED is a normal part of life for many men, and is affected greatly by age, genetics, and life choices.
Fortunately, modern men have little to fear from this condition, and once they accept and acknowledge the disorder, may treat it simply and affordably. There are a variety of medications which have been created to treat the increasing number of cases of ED in America. These include brand name drugs like:
- Viagra
- Stendra
- Levitra
- Cialis
- Staxyn
- Adcirca
Throughout this article, we’ll take a closer look at erectile dysfunction, the medications used to combat symptoms, and the best means of obtaining an online prescription.
What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
ED, or erectile dysfunction, is a sexual disorder experienced by men. While the disorder affects mainly men 40-70 years of age, it isn’t age specific, and can occur at any time throughout the lifespan of a male. Most men will experience ED at some point in their lives.
Erectile dysfunction is characterized by a chronic inability to achieve or sustain erection during sexual stimulation. This issue is a huge problem for the men who experience it, not only because they are left unable to perform sexually, but due to the emotional and mental ramifications.
Erectile dysfunction may cause problems with self-esteem, motivation, romantic connections, and even work performance. One of the main issues facing men who experience ED is the inability to confront the disorder and open up to a healthcare professional about symptoms. Research shows that approximately 60% of men will avoid making a doctor appointment, even if there are serious symptoms to report. Add to this the concerns of masculinity and awkwardness of sexual related disorders and the problem only increases.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
There are many factors to consider when determining the cause of erectile dysfunction. As noted above, for many men ED is a natural sign of aging. For others it could be related to:
Medical Conditions: Diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions which affect blood flow could contribute to a man’s inability to achieve erection. Similarly, the medications taken to control and treat these conditions may impact sex drive. Of me as young as 30 who suffer from diabetes, 25% experience ED.
Lifestyle Choices: Alcohol and drugs play a big role in blood flow, sex drive, mood, and even the distribution of natural chemicals within the body. This has a negative impact on testosterone levels and even nerves which are used to achieve erection. Many men who rely heavily on alcohol or drugs suffer from ED.
Physical Trauma: A delicate area; trauma to the penis or testicles have a long-lasting impact on fertility and the ability to produce an erection. Men who experience surgery, injury, or illness relating to the penis may suffer from this type of trauma.
Now that you understand what might be causing your ED, it’s important to focus on improving conditions, minimizing symptoms, and possibly eradicating ED altogether.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction in America
Erectile dysfunction is a completely manageable disorder with the proper treatment. In the United States this treatment involves a variety of options. After a physical, your doctor will pinpoint the cause of your ED. Treating the cause, rather than the symptoms is a better long-term approach to improving your sex life. For example, for men suffering from diabetes who can’t achieve an erection because of the disease, doctors will treat the diabetes rather than the ED alone.
Some men seek psychological counseling to get to the bottom of the underlying issue halting erection. In severe cases, men undergo surgery to treat erection loss by implanting a device to help penis function. The most common treatment, however, is oral medication.
Top ED Medications on the Market and What Makes Them Work
The most common oral medications are Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, and Avanafil. The medications work by increasing the natural chemical, nitric oxide, in the body. The nitric oxide promotes muscle relaxation, blood flow, and overall reaction to sexual stimulation.
Sildenafil, commonly known as Viagra, and Vardenafil, commonly known as Levitra start working as early as 30-minutes after taking a dose. Tadalafil, or Cialis, on the other hand, should be taken roughly 2-hours before intercourse is planned. The
medications last 4-hours for Vardenafil and Sildenafil, but up to 36-hours for Tadalafil.
Requiring medicine to be intimate with a partner may remove some of the spontaneity, but it also removes the stigma of ED.
The History of Viagra and Sildenafil
The most commonly used erectile dysfunction medicine, and perhaps the most well-known, is Viagra. Often referred to as, “the little blue pill,” Viagra, or Sildenafil, is a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor. PDE5 inhibitors block phosphodiesterase enzymes, which are found in the blood vessel walls, from working. This relaxes the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.
PDE5 inhibitors were first created to battle Pulmonary Hypertension. It was a happy side effect that they also treated erectile dysfunction. The effective compound in Sildenafil which works to counteract enzymes was discovered by a man named Charles Pfizer, the co-founder of the Pfizer pharmaceutical corporation.
Pfizer stumbled across the find while searching for a medicine which would remedy heart related chest pain. Live human trials with the drug proved its use as a sexual disorder aid as well. While the drug was developed in 1989, it wasn’t given government approval for use in the medical world until 1998.
Pfizer Discovers an Off-Labeled ED Medicine
Pfizer’s discovery not only found a treatment for ED but unveiled it as the common disorder it is known as today. In the 90’s before the drug was approved, acknowledging erectile dysfunction or a sexual disorder of any kind was unheard of. In this way, Pfizer opened the doors to acceptance of ED and armed men with the self-assurance needed to ask for help.
An off-label drug is any medication used for a purpose other than what’s written on the label. Drugs which are called “off-label” are usually missing data which would confirm it as safe. This doesn’t mean the drug can’t be marketed or sold for other purposes, just that it your doctor may be prescribing you something which was initially meant to have a different use. For example, when you are prescribed the generic version of Viagra, it is technically an off-label drug.
Not all off-label medicines are generic, but generic medicines can be off-label. A generic medicine is a brand name drug in its base form. For Viagra, the generic medication is called Sildenafil, and when the drug was patented by Pfizer, it was unable to be sold under alternative brand names for the purposes of ED. It could still, however, be sold by pharmacists under the name Sildenafil – which wasn’t approved as an ED medication, but has the same effects as Viagra at initiating and sustaining an erection. Thus, Sildenafil is used as an off-label medication.
The End of the Viagra Patent
As of the year 2020, Pfizer’s long-time patent will run out. This leaves options open to finally use Sildenafil as an ED drug under a variety of brands. The competition will surely change the way Viagra is marketed and priced in the future. Patients can expect to see the market suddenly saturated, and this isn’t a bad thing.
The need for erectile dysfunction management is huge in the U.S. and around the world. With Viagra dominating the system, it’s not always affordable for some men to treat the sexual disorder. Already, there are several alternatives to the tablet form medicine moving in; sprays and dissolving mouth-strips among them. As 2020 approaches, it’s safe to assume that many companies will be preparing to launch a variety of off-label drugs until FDA approvals arrive. These new options will provide an affordability factor that hasn’t always been in place before.
Viagra’s Price Leap from 1998 to Now
With the approach of potential new ED management brands, price is becoming a focus for many patients and pharmaceutical companies. In 1998, the pills debuted at the cost of $8USD per little blue pill. Looking at current costs of more than $80USD per pill, we see a huge increase with little to blame other than pharmaceutical companies and their longing for larger profits. From a business standpoint, the hike in price makes sense – from a humanitarian standpoint, it’s highway robbery.
For a man who uses 4 pills a week, over a period of a year, that’s a whopping cost of almost $17,000 a year to manage erectile dysfunction symptoms. Considering the increase in price over the past 2 decades, we can only assume that further inflation will ensue. Could that mean that in 20 more years, a single ED pill will cost $800? If we use the last 20-years as a pricing guide, it certainly seems so.
The pill itself hasn’t become that much more expensive to create. We know this because of the appearance of generic versions at a much lower cost. Even Viagra has created their own generic model at a decreased cost. Why then is it so expensive to buy a single ED pill? A pill which men suffering from ED need to take every time they wish to engage in physical intimacy with a partner. There may never be an answer other than, “Big Pharma”. Thankfully, there is finally the solution of off-label ED medications and generic wholesale pricing.
There’s also the promise of further discounts through non-traditional sources of prescriptions. For example, offers a sizeable discount on ED prescriptions with no additional fees for receiving the service. We simply wish to give patients the comfort of managing sexual symptoms independently without breaking the bank.
Erectile Dysfunction Medication Laws and Pharmacy Restrictions
Laws for prescription drug use vary by country and even by state. For example, in the United Kingdom, as of 2018, men no longer required a prescription to obtain Viagra. They could simply purchase it as an over the counter medicine at any UK pharmacy. In the United States, however, Viagra is only available by prescription from a U.S. based medical doctor.
It’s also illegal in the United States to retrieve Viagra online. Mail order medicine carries many problems with it, including the possibility that it isn’t what it seems. Fortunately, online prescriptions are legal in the U.S. So, while you can’t obtain Viagra online, you can get a prescription for the pill over the internet from a real U.S. doctor.
It might surprise you to learn that online prescriptions are not as new as they seem. In fact, a study published in 2001 in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, concluded that the use of an online doctor prescription was safe, effective, and preferred by patients.
How Online Prescriptions Work
Online prescriptions are a virtual service available to patients across the United States even when they can’t access a medical clinic. Benefits of online doctor prescriptions include:
- No more doctor’s waiting rooms
- Less driving to and from appointments
- Reduced prescription pricing
- Secure access to prescriptions remotely
- A high level of discretion and privacy throughout the prescription process
- Avoiding prescription drop-off lines at the pharmacy
- Speaking to less people about your prescription needs and diagnosis
- Access to prescriptions while out of town or out of state
To obtain an online prescription, you must first sign up for a one on one doctor consultation through Once your information has been received and a doctor is able to speak with you, your ED prescription is sent directly to a local pharmacy in your area. You then pick up the prescription easily and without any need to skip work for doctor’s appointments or pharmacy drop-offs.
A major advantage to using online prescription services is the savings you receive. At our deep discount prescription program is absolutely free. Patients receiving prescriptions from our online doctors will pay as little as $24 for a batch of 30 pills at 100mg each. The average cost for Viagra through a traditional prescription would be roughly $2000 for the same number of pills at the same dosage.
Online prescriptions are especially useful for individuals living in remote rural locations where a doctor isn’t always readily available. Rather than driving long distances for walk-in clinics or to find a new doctor, use online doctors to serve these needs. Imagine, retrieving a much needed prescription from the comfort of home, the office, or while on vacation. This service reduces travel stress, allowing you access to your prescription from anywhere in the U.S. while you travel for work or pleasure. It also covers you should your doctor retire or be unavailable for a prescription.
Beware the Medical Websites with Mail Delivery Drugs
There’s a huge difference between getting prescriptions online and getting medication online. Buying Viagra over the internet is a recipe for disaster. Not only isn’t it legal in many places, but you don’t know where the medication is coming from. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine sought to find out how often internet ordered medication provided a genuine dosage of Viagra. What they discovered was alarming.
Of the 22 websites claiming to sell Viagra during the study, 90% were found to be selling drugs illegally. Samples obtained from the mail-ordered prescriptions found 77% of the pills to be counterfeited (fake). This leaves a large margin for error when ordering medicine over the internet.
Obtaining a legitimate prescription from a doctor based in the United States, however, is a different story. An online doctor prescription allows you to pick up your medicine from a local pharmacy. This provides proof that your medication is 100% genuine, and that you know exactly where it’s coming from and in what dosage.
Finding Yourself Again with GoodRx.Com
If reading this article has opened your eyes to the need of ED medicine, consider an online doctor prescription. Working one on one with a U.S. based doctor, you can be free of sexual frustration for good. Good Rx is proud to support patients with affordable, safe, and discreet Sildenafil treatments. Our prices are designed to fit the needs of a growing customer base. We understand that ED is a commonly occurring sexual disorder, and while we can’t eradicate the problem, we can help patients treat it.
The entire online prescription process is short and simple. From inputting personal information to setting up an online chat with a physician, anybody of age can do it with ease. Using our service does not negate the need for a licensed medical doctor.
Good Rx still recommends the use of a family doctor for medical concerns and prescriptions.
For men who are interested in learning more about Sildenafil, erectile dysfunction management and online prescriptions, we encourage you to contact us today. Try out free discount prescription program through

WARNING: Limitations of Online Doctor/Medical Consultations and Online Prescriptions, QuickRxRefills Cannot and Will NOT Prescribe, Dispense, or Resell any and all medications Narcotics/Controlled Substances (this policy is fully enforced by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)) for Anti-depressants, Pain, Anxiety, Weightloss, Sleep, ADHD/ADD, Anabolic Steroids, Testosterone Replacement Therapy and any and all Medications that contain GabaPentin or Pseudroephedrine including non-controlled substances or any medications that are considered controversial, Off Labeled (Growth Hormone aka HGH) or recalled in nature such (i.e. Retin-A, Accutane). Furthermore, QuickRxRefills is not a substitute for an office based physician in your location nor is it a substitute for Emergency Medical Care or 911. If you do experience a "true" medical emergency your are encouraged to pick up the phone and dial 911 as soon as possible.