What Erectile Dysfunction May Be Saying About Your Overall Health
If you pay any attention whatsoever to the marketing and advertising we are bombarded with on a daily basis, you’d have to begin to believe that erectile dysfunction is absolutely devastating the male population in ways that we’ve never seen before.
Every single day we are constantly and consistently shown commercials, advertisements, and direct mail pieces that tell us just how dangerous of erectile dysfunction is – at least as far as our sex life, manhood, and masculinity is concerned. And while modern science and research will definitely agree with some of the claims that those modern-day snake oil salesmen are making (at least as far as the rate of erectile dysfunction increasing over the last few decades), the reality is that those solutions only treat the symptoms – and not the underlying issues.
The truth of the matter is that erectile dysfunction can very often be deadly
Before we go any farther into this quick and easy to read article, it’s essential that you understand the above statement is not meant just to grab your attention.
No, millions and millions of men all over America are beginning to wake up to the fact that erectile dysfunction does not just of fact our ability to perform in the bedroom. No, the underlying issues responsible for this “hardware malfunction” have very real consequences in regards to our overall health and well-being – to the point where it may be a sign that our hearts and circulatory system are about to give out.
Yes, that’s right – erectile dysfunction has been linked directly to heart attack, cardiovascular issues, and a whole host of other circulatory diseases and conditions that can drop you dead in just a few seconds. It’s critical that you seek out advice from an doctor or off-line doctor that you can trust before you decide to dive headfirst into using any of the erectile dysfunction medicines or treatments out there – if for no other reason than to get a full and clean bill of health and double check that you’re not in any real danger.
No, the real reason that you must seek out assistance from a doctor (and traditional medical professional well) just as soon as humanly possible when dealing with erectile dysfunction is much more serious, much more real, and even potentially deadly than not being able to rise to the occasion, so to speak.
German researchers working in conjunction with the Journal of the American Heart Association get a randomized test on 1519 men – from over 13 countries – and found that people dealing with heart disease as well as erectile dysfunction were 1.6 times more likely to suffer from a catastrophic cardiovascular failure (like a heart attack or stroke) than those who had cardiac issues with no erectile dysfunction.
This test was spread out over a five-year span (with interviews occurring each and every year, in the sample size was certainly large enough to pull some very real – and almost chilling – information out of the study.
Yes, you may believe that erectile dysfunction is more of a psychological issue and a physiological one – and more of an attack on your ego and sexual performance than anything else – but nothing could be further from the truth. Read more here.
Erectile Dysfunction Can be Deadly
With nearly 50,000,000 men in the United States (including somewhere between 50 and 52% of all men aged 40 to 70) suffering from some type of erectile dysfunction, this has become a medical issue on an almost epidemic proportion. More and more men are starting to discover that erectile dysfunction is not just crippling to your sexual performance, but that it can also prove to be a very real precursor to some much more serious medical issues.
More science and research is necessary (and doctors are publishing their information online on a regular basis to further our understanding of erectile dysfunction), but the general consensus in the medical world is that a real dysfunction certainly no laughing matter.
The reason that erectile dysfunction is closely linked to major cardiovascular issues is rather simple and straightforward. The penis access a series of empty blood vessels and pockets when it’s not erect, and is only able to gain an erection as blood flows into those pocket and fills – stiffening this part of the body.
However, when your blood pressure is low – a surefire sign and signal that something is going on with your cardiovascular system in general – it’s almost impossible to get an erection. Obviously, there are certainly some psychological impacts and other medical conditions that could be contributing to your inability to “rise to the occasion”, but the truth of the matter is not something that you can second-guess.
Seek out and receive proper medical assistance doctors – as well as off – just as soon as humanly possible
Understanding that it’s almost impossible to bring these types of medical issues to your doctor’s attention without suffering some sort of embarrassment and discomfort, there are a number of doctors more than willing to speak with you about your specific medical issue.
At the same time, you need to understand that there is only so much that at these doctors can do for you. Sure, they’ll be able to provide you with high-level medical advice – at least as far as they can – but without a hands-on diagnosis and true understanding of all your underlying medical issues, general medical condition, and any other issues that may be surrounding your life, it’s impossible for them to provide you with the answers you need.
This is why it is so mission critical that you seek out and receive high-level treatment for erectile dysfunction, putting your embarrassment in your back pocket and making sure that you aren’t at risk for some very serious medical problems a little bit farther down the road.
Erectile dysfunction does not just represent physiological issues – it can devastate the psychology of any man dealing with this condition
But even if you get a clean bill of health from your doctor or off-line doctor, you may be dealing with some very serious mental, confidence, and psychological impacts as well. There’s nothing quite like feeling as though you are less the man you used to be, all because there are different physiological things happening that don’t allow you to have the drive, stamina, or endurance that you use to – especially when it comes to the bedroom.
Living with erectile dysfunction (at least before you seek out proper treatments and prescriptions) can leave men feeling as though they are a shell of their former selves, while nothing could be further from the truth. Just as you wouldn’t hold it against your favorite car because they had a performance issue dealing with mechanical problems under the hood, there’s no reason to let your confidence erode because of the physiological issues you’re dealing with right now.
Who suffers from erectile dysfunction?
Another major misconception in the world of erectile dysfunction is that only those older than 65 or so will ever have to worry about it.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, there are instances of men dealing with erectile dysfunction as early as their late 20s – with anecdotal evidence pointing to those who may be living with these issues even earlier. Just because you haven’t hit some “invisible age bear” as of yet doesn’t mean that you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, and you’ll want to seek out advice from doctors (as well as off-line trusted medical professionals) before moving forward or sloughing of this condition off.
There are no real predispositions to erectile dysfunction, aside from the same predispositions that would cause you to have low blood pressure or cardiovascular issues. These issues will exacerbate the process, and may even put you in a secure situation and then you would have been otherwise.
What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?
While probably more than a little bit obvious, the major symptom of erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection. Again, there are any number of different reasons that you may not be able to build an erection when it comes time for sexual intercourse – including biochemical reactions from different foods or drinks, stress, pressure, and anxiety to perform, and a number of other medical issues – but this is certainly the “number one give away”.
Secondly, you may begin to feel a flush feeling all over your body when trying to get an erection – as well as hot and cold flashes. Your extremities may go known or tingly as if they had “fallen asleep”, but these are certainly not the only symptoms you may be dealing with.
Can erectile dysfunction be effectively treated, reversed, or cured?
In a word – yes.
Working closely with the right medical professionals (including a trusted medical practitioner that can make available the right online solutions), not only can you treat the obvious physiological symptoms of erectile dysfunction – but you can clear up many of the underlying issues as well.
Now, obviously, you’re not going to want to just poke and prod around when it comes to your overall health and well-being – especially when we’re talking about purchasing prescriptions. The last thing that you want to do is trust your long term health (or even your short term health) to strangers just looking to peddle an prescription – which is why you want to seek out proper medical assistance just as soon as you can.
This is not to discount the many different resources that you can tap into online – including the high level doctors that freely share their information on a regular basis – but this is the kind of problem where you’ll want a “hands-on” kind of solution.
As far as erectile dysfunction cures, remedies, or solutions go modern science and research has produced a seemingly endless supply of answers. There are all natural ingredients that can rebuild the health of your heart, cardiovascular system, and penis, and there are chemical concoctions formulated in a lab somewhere that can do the exact same thing – but 10 times faster.
In some very rare instances you may also need to investigate surgical options and interventions, but again speaking directly with a trusted medical professional is the only way to navigate those types of situations. All in all, this is a relatively simple and straightforward problem to have (though it certainly won’t feel that way at first) but as long as you understand that it can be conquered you’re going to do just fine.
What are the effective treatments for erectile dysfunction?
There are a handful of truly high-level solutions for taking care of erectile dysfunction, and many of them offer prescriptions that you can order at a fraction of the traditional costs.
Most doctors will recommend that you go on some sort of medication to take care of your blood pressure issues, especially if the need is very pressing. These chemical concoctions have been cooked up after years and years of science and research, and on the whole can be trusted to protect you from negative side effects.
That being said, you need to understand that there are always side effects from using these kinds of solutions – or at least the potential for some very real side effects. Go into this situation with both eyes open, and be sure that you have spoken with your doctor about using any of the prescriptions before you pull the trigger.
Your doctor or medical professional may also recommend that you follow up with a healthier eating and exercise plan, as these two lifestyle choices can have a dramatic impact on your erectile dysfunction as well as your overall cardiovascular health. Science and research are still trying to point to the specific areas that improved eating habits and better overall exercise routines have on erectile dysfunction, but early results are more than a little bit promising.
Remember, get that checkup regardless of your nerves, anxiety, or pressure. It just may save your life.

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