What You Need To Know About Male Pattern Baldness But Were Afraid to Ask
According to some studies, well over 75 million people across all corners of the globe are suffering from male pattern baldness – men and women alike.
And while there are some who suggest that male pattern baldness is simply a genetic defect passed on from generation to generation, science and research would have to disagree with that decision. The truth of the matter is that there are any number of different reasons why you may be forced to live with male pattern baldness, why you may be losing clumps of hair each and every single time you slide into the shower.
However, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel – a bit of a silver lining to this cloud as well. Because of its prevalence, there is an indoor miss amount of science and research going on each and every single day to learn the “ins and outs” of this specific medical condition – all with the aim of reversing it and curing it permanently.
Though we have yet to reach the day where male pattern baldness is a limited it from the human race, leaps and bounds have already been made when it comes to effectively treating this problem in the first place. Here is your basic primer on male pattern baldness, exactly what it is, what to look for, and how you too can effectively treat and reverse it starting right now.
What exactly is male pattern baldness?
Before we dive into the meat and potatoes of reversing male pattern baldness, it’s critical that you understand exactly what it is in the first place.
Though there are a number of different baldness types, causes, and symptoms to be on the lookout for, male pattern baldness in specific is mostly related to an androgen hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (more commonly called DHT).
The way DHT works is rather unique when it comes to hormones in the human body, in that it specifically attaches itself to receptors in your hair follicles and almost “fries the circuitry”, so to speak. This results in less than ideal hair growth over time – starting with a thinning impact and then building and building until zero hair is able to be grown at any point in time.
This is why the classic “horseshoe pattern” of hair – think George Costanza and you’ll have it – is so prevalent amongst men (and even women) living with male pattern baldness. The DHT attaches itself to the top of your head, but by the time that you’ve reached an advanced age DHT production slows next to nothing which causes you to have a “full head of hair” on the lower half of your skull.
Not exactly an ideal look for those of us who aren’t professors or accountants.
What can I do to cure myself from male pattern baldness altogether?
While there is yet to be an effective “one-size-fits-all” your two male pattern baldness, the truth of the matter is that there are a number of highly effective solutions that can slow, stop, and even reverse male pattern baldness right in its tracks.
Speaking with different doctors about this specific topic, we’ve discovered that there are a number of highly effective chemical concoctions as well as a number of all-natural solutions – creams and supplements alike – that come widely recommended.
Chemical concoctions (either drugs, creams, or other supplements) are probably the fastest acting of the bunch – though you’ll need a real prescription to enjoy any of the online consultations you may be able to find on the web. This means going to your trusted medical professional (Doctors cannot write prescriptions for people that they cannot treat), but this is a relatively simple and straightforward process.
Obviously, there are a handful of negative side effects with each and every chemical concoction or drug available on the market today – those responsible for treating male pattern baldness or any other medical condition. You’ll need to weigh whether or not the side effects and issues are worth the benefits that you’ll be able to enjoy using this solution – or if you want to check out the natural solutions provided below.
With all of the science and research being pumped out about the male pattern baldness world (as well as a tremendous amount of doctors sharing their research and studies), those responsible for creating all-natural solutions and supplements have had a field day pumping out products designed to treat male pattern baldness.
It seems as though every single day brings more and more of these even beat level solutions to the market, with many of them gaining real traction because of their effectiveness. Obviously, these solutions do not work nearly as fast as their chemical brethren – but shall never have to worry about negative side effects when you invest in these products over prescriptions.
How to choose have a solution for you
Above all else, you’ll want to do as much research and due diligence as humanly possible before selecting a male pattern baldness cure. Speak with as many doctors as you possibly can, read all of the reviews about prescriptions and natural supplements, and come to an informed decision for yourself.
You’ll want to make sure that your selecting a treatment in line with your goals – either preventing, slowing, stopping, or reversing male pattern baldness – and make sure that you are completely confident before you pull the trigger and make a purchase.
Incredible new breakthroughs in the world of curing male pattern baldness have been promised for years and years now, but a number of medical professionals are promising that a handful of “be-all, end-all” cures could be just over the horizon.
I know, I know – you’ve probably heard these promises before, probably even by a number of doctors when searching for different prescription solutions to curing your male pattern baldness. However, this time in the excitement seems to be warranted – especially since much of the research has been produced by the University of Pennsylvania and focuses on the “root” cause (pardon the pun there) of male pattern baldness in the first-class.
The underlying issues in regards to male pattern baldness have always been elusive
One of the biggest issues to curing male pattern baldness forever – and one that many medical professionals, scientific researchers, and other experts in the field have had to contend with on a regular basis – has always been the near impossibility to narrow down exactly what causes male pattern baldness in the first place.
Those experts have long understood that the overwhelming majority of male pattern baldness cases are caused by hormones and enzymes released by the body to target hair follicles, make them weaker, and eventually a blue to rate them entirely – but no one fully grasped what was responsible for the changes in the first place.
It’s also interesting to look at the research and watch as hundreds of millions of men all over the world and realize that there is seemingly zero rhyme or reason to who comes down with male pattern baldness – as even some women were subject to this predominantly male only issue.
All this is starting to change now as scientists from the University of Pennsylvania begin to narrow down on a specific key protein known as prostaglandin D synthase (more commonly referred to as PDG2). This specific protein is found in almost record numbers in bald areas of the human scale, but is not found in areas where hair is prevalent across the board.
This specific protein marker has been found to control a number of very specific bodily functions, including cell growth and the constriction of smooth muscle tissue – but it also may inhibit hair follicle cell growth. This is because the normal cells usually responsible for hair growth were still present on the bald surfaces of the human head, but the PDG2 seem to have inhibited their growth dramatically.
Live testing has already begun
While the experts and doctors have been publishing their research for some time now, the truth of the matter is that life testing didn’t really begin until just a handful of years ago. It initially started on lab mice that were bread with very high levels (but safe levels) of PDG2 and were then transplanted with human hair cells – only to find that the mice began to go bald.
While those findings were certainly interesting enough to develop a number of the very specific prophecies, it wasn’t until the same researchers discovered that human testing has already been going on with drugs specifically designed to attack PDG2 – only most of them were for treating asthma and not specifically to treat baldness.
Scientists and researchers all over the world have been looking to create some sort of prescription solution in pill form that would be just chock-full of drugs specifically designated to block PDG2 and inhibit its production of across the human body – at least as far as the very specific areas of the head and skull were concerned. They’re still making progress on these specific of solutions, and though the internal solution to blocking PDG2 seems to be the route to take there are others with branched off and created their own topical solutions – creams and salves – specifically designed to do the same thing.
There may be help for male pattern baldness sufferers after all
These brand-new breakthroughs could mean that a new and life-changing drug or prescription could be right around the corner, as the University of Pennsylvania scientists believe that there should be enough evidence to rollout a marketable solution in the next five years or even sooner.
Obviously, there are still in a number of very specific tests that need to be undertaken until this can be fully verified and proven to be 100% safe and effective – but all early indications point to it being a relatively quick process with all of the basic foundational work already having been late.
Just imagine what it would be like to know that you would be able to not only reverse the problems of male pattern baldness just by taking a quick pill or prescription cream, but if you could also prevent that from ever taking place. Hundreds of millions of men would watch as their long and flowing locks continue to grow in on regular intervals, never fearing to wake up one day and realize that they look more like George Costanza than Bruce Willis.
Definitely keep an ear to the ground about this game changing research, and pay close attention to the male pattern baldness world for the next few years. It shouldn’t be too terribly long now until you see many of these incredibly effective solutions hit the market – and we all watch as male pattern baldness is crippled forever.
Believer or not, they’ll pattern baldness impacts hundreds and hundreds of millions of men each and every single year – and even millions of women as well.
Not exactly a life-threatening medical condition, male pattern baldness is certainly a life altering medical condition – but one that you can take complete and total charge of the moment that you follow the inside information provided below.
If you are absolutely sick and tired of dealing with bits and pieces of your hair ending up in the shower on a daily basis, wondering what you’re going to do with the hair you have left on your head, or absolutely dread going to the barber and paying $15 or more for a haircut when you’re literally only getting a single hair cut – then you’re going to want to pay close attention to the rest of this quick and easy to read guide to curing male pattern baldness.
Understanding the five distinct stages of male pattern baldness
Before we dive headfirst into the nitty-gritty of curing male pattern baldness forever, it’s critical that you understand exactly where you are in the different and distinct stages of male pattern baldness.
While most men will never have a full-blown “Stage V” case of male pattern baldness until they are well into their 60s, the overwhelming majority of men will have already witnessed a thinning of their hair throughout their 20s and 30s – or even as early as their late teens.
Male pattern baldness is a generally caused by genetic issues that work to impact the hormones responsible for hair growth, crippling your body’s ability to create full, healthy, natural hair and instead replacing it with thin, brittle hair that eventually falls right out of your skull.
Stage I – Gently receding hairline
You’ll begin to notice Stage I male pattern baldness by a gently receding hairline, worry hairline that begins to slowly creep up the top of your forehead. While it’s impossible to estimate exactly how much you lose in a given set of time, losing anywhere up to 100 strands a day would certainly be well within the parameters of Stage I male pattern baldness (at least according to many prominent doctors).
Stage II – Symmetrical or triangular recession of hair
When you dive into Stage II male pattern baldness, you’re going to be looking at a considerable amount of hair loss, with your new hairline being a rather far back on your head – or the classic “Peninsula” look as well. Your hairline now will just be barely ahead of the front of your ears, and this is one of the most popular stages that men begin to seek out medical advice for hair loss.
Stage III – Deeper hair recession as well as the beginnings of the “Friar Tuck”
Stage III is where things really start to go haywire, as your hit will begin to creep well past your ears and you will start to begin getting that “Friar Tuck” look with a big old bald spot on the back of your noggin.
Stage IV – “Full moon” hairline recession
When you’ve reached Stage for coming you’ll know it by the appearance of the “full moon” airline that you now have. Your hairline will reach well past the back of your ears, and your Friar Tuck will have grown and grown and grown.
Stage V – Classic horseshoe pattern baldness
Once you hit Stage V with male pattern baldness, you’re really going to be in for the shock of your life. You’ll most likely have of the full-blown “George Costanza” kind of look, the classic horseshoe pattern that many men have been subjected to wearing out in public.
Luckily, there are answers to male pattern baldness – answers you can use right away.
Medical intervention
Doctors have been talking for years and years about the medical intervention of reversing hair loss almost completely. Effectively “planting” new hairs into your skull – healthy hairs – hair plugs and hair transplants have taken off in popularity over the last few years. Technology has advanced to the point where these procedures are much less invasive (and much more effective) than ever before, while the price tag has dropped considerably as well.
Prescription drugs
Prescription drugs have also become one of the “go to” solutions for treating male pattern baldness, and for good reason. Prescriptions (as well as those available through more traditional means) are incredibly affordable, and their effectiveness continues to increase with each and every iteration or major formulaic improvement.
All-natural supplements and solutions
Finally, there is a big push from doctors online for most folks to at least try all-natural supplements and solutions before they move forward with a more dedicated prescription or medical intervention.
These all-natural supplements are pulled from 100% natural ingredients grown all over the world, and are free of many of the side effects – and price tags – associated with the more expensive and somewhat dangerous medical procedures and drugs provided above.
At the same time, you’ll really need to discover exactly how you feel most comfortable moving forward treating your male pattern baldness. After all, not only will it be your funds going directly into treating this medical condition – it’s going to be your hairline and your timetable. If you’re looking for quick and nearly overnight hair restoration, you’ll probably want to invest in medical intervention. If you have a bit more time on your hands, Prescription drugs and all-natural supplements provided by Doctors maybe the route you’re willing to take.
Recently, scientists discovered that asteroids have their own moons, Egyptians had iron sent from above, and French wine is not actually French. With all these discoveries, isn’t it time someone found a suitable treatment for male pattern baldness? Now, it looks like researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in America and the University of Bradford in the U.K. have made progress in the area of alopecia.
Male pattern baldness (MPB) is a chronic condition that affects millions of men worldwide. Also called androgenetic alopecia, MPB accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. By age 35, around two-thirds of men in the U.S. will have some degree of hair loss, and by age 50, 85 percent of men will have thinning hair (American Hair Loss Association, 2013).
Newly Discovered Growth Factor Regrows Hair
According to researchers Gay and associates (2013), there is a growth factor that regenerates hair follicles. Called Fgf9, this growth factor substance was found to produce more than double the normal number of hair follicles in laboratory mice subjects. This leads investigators to speculate that humans could use Fgf9 to treat this male pattern baldness.
Normally manufactured by highly-specialized T cells in the body, this growth factor forms part of the immune system. Humans have a low number of essential T cells, and this causes poor regrowth of hair on injured or wounded skin. With Fgf9, there is a stimulation of hair growth. Once Fgf9 is released from the T cells, it serves as a catalyst for the signal that leads to fibroblast formation and generation of new follicles. When someone is wounded, the hair follicle growth becomes blocked as the skin heals and forms a scar. In the mice subjects with reduced Fgf9, there was a decrease in wound-induced hair follicle growth. However, when the growth factor was increased there was a two- to three-fold increase in that number (Gay et al., 2013).
According to dermatologists, these findings could explain why humans do not regrow hair after injuries. The scientists’ earlier work found that increased signaling from certain pathways in the skin doubled the number of new hair follicles. The Penn State team (Gay, 2013) investigated this to find that an important cascade of signals prompt the hair growth, as well as amplify and perpetuate signals that are sent during the hair follicle regeneration phase.
FDA-Approved Drug for Hair Loss Associated with MPB
If you are balding and want to grow back your hair, there is some really good news. A recent research report that was published in the FASEB Journal shows that bimatoprost (an FDA-approved glaucoma drug) can regrow human hair. Used by women for eyelash lengthening, Latisse (the name brand of bimatoprost) is proven to lengthen and thicken eyelashes. Now, researchers Karzan and colleagues (2012) proved that men could benefit as well.
Three sets of experiments were conducted using bimatoprost. Two of these involved human cells and the other involved mice subjects. When the bimatroprost was put on hair follicles growing in a culture base, they found that the drug caused the hair to regrow. Also, when it was applied to bald spots on mice, bimatoprost initiated regrowth of the animals’ hair. This discovery could be the much-anticipated breakthrough men have been waiting for.

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