Avocado May Help Decrease Risk Of High Cholesterol
The creamy, meaty, fruit, well known for its savory flavor may be better for you than you think. Added to traditional Spanish dishes, and now a sushi staple, avocado can be eaten with breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack, and can cut your cholesterol levels while you eat it. A recent study on the benefits of avocado found that all it takes is just one of these green plants to make you healthier and prevent heart disease. Science Daily reports: “Eating one avocado a day as part of a heart healthy, cholesterol-lowering moderate-fat diet can help improve bad cholesterol levels in overweight and obese individuals, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.”
If you find that you are unable to stomach avocado, or have never tried it before and are wary of a new flavor, many avocado enthusiasts suggest blending it up into a smoothie with many of your other favorite flavors such as berries and low fat yogurt.
Making A Healthier You
Not only can avocado fight cholesterol, they are also known as a super food, and are loaded with many nutrients that your body needs to keep going, stay strong, and even prevent signs of early aging. You might be surprised to find that many doctors suggest pregnant patients eat these fruit in order to spike levels of folate which helps the formation of the baby’s brain. Web MD states: “Avocados offer nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, including potassium(which helps control blood pressure), lutein (which is good for your eyes), and folate (which is crucial for cell repair and during pregnancy).”
A recent study used data gathered from forty-five patients who were obese and healthy over the ages of twenty-one. What they found through utilizing three different low cholesterol diets, is that by replacing the saturated fats in many diets with polyunsaturated fats, like those found in olive oil, nuts, and avocado, there was a definite reduction in the possibility of high cholesterol and heart disease.
Delivering Your Avocado Fix
Finding ways to fit avocado into your everyday life doesn’t have to be difficult, even if you have picky eaters in the household. Aside from the above mentioned method of whipping it into a smoothie, there are plenty of heart healthy recipes online and in cooking books that support the use of avocado. Just one cup of this healthy green fruit can cause some big changes in your life very quickly. Best Health Magazine writes: “One cup of avocado provides almost a quarter of your recommended daily intake of folate, a vitamin which cuts the risk of birth defects. If you’re pregnant—or planning to be—avocados will help protect your unborn baby.”
Avocado salad, sliced avocado in sandwiches and diced avocado in tacos can make for some very well received lunch and dinner ideas. Try cutting the avocado into shapes that seem more inviting for young children who might be worried about trying something new, and you might be surprised by how quickly they find a new favorite food.
Why Lowering Your Cholesterol is Important
High cholesterol can cause fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels, which makes it increasingly difficult for your heart and blood to do its job. In fact, these deposits can turn into blockages which can later lead to poor heart health and even a heart attack. Some forms of high cholesterol are genetic, but many sufferers of high cholesterol suffer due to poor nutritional choices. In order to detect this problem, doctors need to take a blood test to detect the cholesterol level in your blood stream before they can determine when or how to treat you.
Obesity and inactivity can also lead to high cholesterol and chest pain is a common side effect of this problem. If you are inactive, overweight, or have poor eating habits, you may be at risk for blood clots or blockages which could also lead to a stroke. Eating avocado certainly won’t make all of this magically disappear, but adding more foods that include cholesterol lowering agents can help make your bad cholesterol into good cholesterol and bring you back down to a healthy level.
If you feel like your cholesterol levels might be dangerous, you should make an appointment with your physician to be checked. Once you know what your levels are and whether or not you are in danger of any of the above symptoms, your doctor can help you decide on ingredients you should add to your daily menu, and whether or not you need to lose weight or do additional exercises in order to maintain your level of health, or help improve it. Every person is different when it comes to cholesterol, and while some overweight people may have standard levels, thin active people can sometimes have higher levels than expected.

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