Studies Prove That Teens Who Are Overweight Are Prone To Smoking
Although it has been proven in the past that there is no correlation to weight and alcohol or marijuana, recent studies show that being overweight may have an impact on whether or not teens will start smoking. The research outlines whether obese teenagers are at a higher risk for cigarettes and substance abuse, and found that the possibility of using smoking as an appetite suppressant might be the culprit behind the trend. Unfortunately, other research has shown that the opposite is true, and that smokers tend to crave foods that are higher in fats. The findings of the study were published in the American Journal of Health Behavior, and were processed by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which surveyed a large selection of teenagers across America.
Studying The Survey
The longitudinal study used data gathered through 1995, 1996 and 2001 regarding the mental and physical health of 15 thousand teens. Height, weight, and BMI were all used within the questionnaire, and participants were asked about use of alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes, and while the BMI showed no relation to usage of alcohol or marijuana, it did link overweight teens to a higher rate of cigarette smokers. The reasons behind this could be many, including the thought that smoking will kill the appetite, or that smoking might make overweight teens feel more popular among their peers. The lead author of this study, H. Isabelle Lanza, Ph.D. works with UCLA’s Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, and has made it clear that while cigarettes have been seen as possible weight loss tools in the past, they often don’t aid with weight reduction. She is quoted by Science Daily in saying: “I think we will see this play out even more in the public arena with a new generation of youth being persuaded to try e-cigarettes and other forms of “healthier” nicotine products in order to advance their social standing.”
Many obese teens suffer from low self-esteem, and the thought of fitting in by doing something as seemingly trivial as smoking a cigarette is a small price to pay for popularity. The number of participants in the survey, and statistics used within the research has shown that smoking and a high BMI is significant, and this research could aid in persuading youth to stay away from cigarettes in the future.
Negative Factors Involved In Smoking Cigarettes
It has become widely recognized that smoking cigarettes is terrible for your health, and yet millions of people still hold onto their cigarette packages with a firm grip. Cancer, chronic respiratory failure, heart disease, and early death are all related to smoking, and while this is printed on pamphlets, documented on television, found online, and even printed on some cigarette cartons, there are still 440,000 deaths in the United States, and 100,000 in the U.K. due to smoking every single year. This makes smoking the culprit of the highest number of preventable deaths in the entire world. Medical News Today states: “According the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), $92 billion are lost each year from lost productivity resulting from smoking-related deaths. Of the more than 2.4 million deaths in the USA annually, over 440,000 are caused by smoking.”
To make matters worse, research has shown that it isn’t only the health of the smoker that is being affected significantly by the smoke, but those around them as well. Second hand smoke has a terrible and lasting effect on people, especially children who have nowhere else to go when parents begun puffing away. The averages show that those who smoke will die ten years before nonsmokers, with 90% of the deaths associated to lung cancer being cigarette related.
Cigarettes and Cancer
Unfortunately, lung cancer isn’t the only form of cancer that can develop in smokers, which is something that not all smokers may realize. Bladder, kidney, mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, pancreatic, stomach, nose, throat, cervical, bowel, and ovarian cancer can all be caused by cigarettes, with some forms of breast cancer and leukemia also stemming from this bad habit. Research has shown that in the United Kingdom alone, somebody dies of lung cancer every fifteen minutes, and not only do the chances of obtaining cancer become higher, but the chances of having it return are also increased.
Quitting Cigarettes For Good
Although so many people still cling to their habit of smoking, it is possible to quit, even if it isn’t always an easy task to accomplish. You can keep a craving journal to seek out triggers for cravings and avoid them in the future, steer clear of alcohol and other smokers that might tempt you into starting up again, and ask your doctor about possible methods of nicotine withdrawal control. Health Guide writes: “Nicotine withdrawal begins quickly, usually starting within thirty minutes to an hour of the last cigarette and peaking about 2 to 3 days later. Withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days to several weeks and differ from person to person.”
With the patch, gum, pills, and injections now available, there are various ways to help yourself kick the habit.

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